Aldo Agostinelli

Another year has just begun and, as usual, this is the time for forecasting what the year’s tech trends will be. Here are three that all experts and tech gurus agree will be huge in 2017.  Read in Italian.

AI and chatbots

Over the past year, after a long infancy, Artificial Intelligence has come into its own. This has happened especially thanks to big names of the tech market such as Google, Facebook and Amazon, which have started integrating it into their services and products.

Let’s take chatbots, as an example. A chatbot is a piece software that uses AI to allow for more efficient interaction with users. We are talking about user interfaces, operated by voice or by writing, which can promptly reply to users’ questions.

This year, both messaging systems and e-banking platforms have started to use chatbots. And everybody (myself included) agrees that in 2017 they are going to proliferate, allowing us to take advantage of the chatbots in very different fields.

Cyberware and mobile malware

The expansion of the Internet of Things (that is to say, devices or electrical appliances, from fridges to safety cameras, that are connected by the internet) means the world is highly connected but also more vulnerable to hackers’ attacks.

In 2017 attacks are expected to increase dramatically. Consequently, if we want to avoid serious financial damage, we will have to pay special attention (and caution) to defending governmental infrastructures.

Also, we will have to be particularly careful when it comes to our smartphones. According to Kaspersky Lab, indeed, hackers are bound to use new mobile malware to exploit the IoT to spy on us and steal data and sensitive info, such as our bank details.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

In 2016, the release of Oculus Rift by Facebook and HTC Vive started the VR revolution.

In 2017, VR is expected to further expand by transforming mobile technology and applications through the introduction of specific chatrooms, letting us manage our relationships by using 3D virtual avatars and the development of applications to let us to use VR at school, at work and in our free time to support our interests. A decrease in prices will also help VR to grow in popularity.

As far as augmented reality is concerned, according to Gartner, in the wake of Pokémon Go this technology will be largely adopted by big brands which will use it to develop applications aimed at involving their customers more and more.  For instance, virtual catalogues that you can literally plunge into. (If you’d like to learn more about how AR is transforming retail, you can read my blog on the topic).

I am quite skeptical with regards to VR and AR, though: in 2017 they are definitely going to develop but I believe they won’t have a dramatic impact. We will have to wait a little longer for a proper boom.

Which technologies would you like to rule 2017? I’d like to hear your thoughts. Tweet me @agostinellialdo.

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Aldo Agostinelli