Aldo Agostinelli

The global expenditure devoted to mobile adv is growing fast and this year it is expected to exceed the TV one. And not only in the United States.

According to eMerketer, in the United States in 2018 advertising via display will account for 69,9% of the whole digital adv market and for 33,9% of the overall advertising expenditure. And such percentage is expected to increase up to 47,9% by 2022. On the contrary, TV will account for 31,6% of the market, while desktops and laptops will reach 14,6%, the press 9,1% and the radio 6,5%. Basically, in the short and medium term  smartphones and tablets are expected to consolidate their positions as the main vehicles for advertising.

To the point that it has been forecast that mobile adv will grow three times faster than all other media’s (23,5% vs 6,6%) and the price of ads will consequently rocket (Mobile Ad Spending to Surpass TV in 2018).

At the same time, money invested in TV commercials will decrease by 0,5%, and then will progressively plummet till 2022, except for the period of Tokyo summer Olympic games and the Presidential Elections of 2020.

It is no surprise then, based on such forecast, that marketers are investing more and more in video ads and digital banners rather than in Pc ads. And, once again, the sector biggest players are Facebook and Google, who jointly control one fourth of the overall advertising market; also, e-shopping enterprises are predictably trying to improve their responsive websites and their app to keep up.

Google income deriving from digital advertising  will reach up to 39,92 billion dollars by next December, recording an increase of 14,5% against 2017; Facebook, instead, will earn 21 billion dollars from advertising (+16,9%). Consequently 27,6% of the whole advertising turnover will end up in the pockets of the two above mentioned giants in 2019 whose advertising turnover will exceed the overall TV advertising expense in 2019.

Such extraordinary growth was also confirmed by the  2018 edition of Dentsu Aegis Network forecast, which comprises 21 markets in addition to the United States. Italy is the slowest  of such markets, with a scarce 1,4%(Advertising expenditure is growing globally, and soon digital adv will surpass TV commercials).

Going through data, however, you find out that digital advertising has surpassed TV advertising also in Italy. In 2017 they scored respectively 36.7% and 35,4 %, but currently such percentages have turned out to be 35,5% and 38,3% and the forecast for next year are that they will reach 34,5% and 41,1%. Such gap is bound to expand even further.

Which media are you investing on in terms of advertising and why?  Tweet @agostinellialdo.

To find out more about the digital world, you may read my latest book entitled: “People Are Media” 

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Aldo Agostinelli