In Italy we can count more than 5 million companies and about 4.500 of these are pretty big, 250.000 include small and medium, 1,5 million mini enterprises and 3,2 million are represented by individual enterprises.
Whereas it’s easy to read very positive studies and researches on eCommerce B2C (Business to Consumer) (you can read also eCommerce: war between global player now they want new markets) a recent analysis from the School of Management of Politecnico of Milan is trying to recap what’s the situation about eCommerce B2B (Business to Business) and enterprise eCommerce. Read it in Italian.
The whole number of Italian small and big enterprises is represented by what it’s called the “supply chain of industries” an economic system where each enterprise represents the Client or the vendor or others. In this case the transactions between enterprises constitute a major value in spite of the one derivate from B2C.
As per the last research of PoliMi, about 3.600 billion euros of the total turnover of Italian enterprises, over the 75% of the total comes from B2B, but only the 25%, the equivalent of 950 billion euros, is the result of relations between companies and consumers, the B2C.
Regarding electronic business between enterprises, the last year in Italy we registered a +19% in spite of 2015, reaching 310 billion euros. The enterprises that used eCommerceB2B were 120.000 (+16%), whereof 50% big enterprises and 26% of small and medium.
This is a positive result but a lot still must be done. The eCommerceB2B rappresents only 14% of the total trasactions B2B in Italy and it’s concentrated between producers and vendors (50%) and producers and suppliers (30%).
In this scenary, in Italy there are 250 big eProcurement portals, that are websites supporting both the selection and qualify processes of suppliers, and the negotiation and purchase phases that have introduced electronic catalogues for goods purchasing and enterprise services.
The recent research “Digital future of business between companies” from Casaleggio&Associati, has analized models, best practices and solutions done by companies operating in the B2B both with e- commerce activities and through strategies and tools developed thanks to the digital. In fact for the 55% of the marketers sending emails is basic to get leads (“prospect clients”) instead of social media that represents only the 24%. The 36% of marketers sell through marketplace and the 48% think about selling through smartphone and tablets and want to increase investments on B2B mobile. About online adv.The B2B still operates through suppliers channels.
In the Usa, the forecasts for 2017 are optimist. Following the second study “The 2017 State of B2B digital Marketing” by Demand Wave, marketers want to increase their investments on SEO to be better known.
We should do the same to conquer our place in the market and to position with specific and different proposals in foreign markets as suggested by Casaleggio.
What do you think about eCommerceB2B status in Italy? Tweet me your comments at @agostinellialdo.
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