Aldo Agostinelli

Marketers and blockchains: according to a recent survey by Emerging Insider Communications involving over 600 sellers, 88% of the interviewees are convinced that such new technology can actually positively transform many areas of marketing while 85% of them have accepted to receive some information about the new products developed by the Blockchain, thus showing quite a high interest into it. Read it in Italian

With regard to the timing of such revolution and of the effects of the Blockchain technology, the most optimistic vendors expect it may take place by next year (25%), the most moderate within three years (60%) while the “pessimists” say we will have to wait over five years (about 15%).

Having said so, only a few marketers, only 15%, feel confident enough to profusely talk about the Blockchain, while 75% of them think an independent organization focusing on all issues related to such technology should be created, and 56% of them would like to see more training initiatives being organized by the industry. And if 40% of them claims to have read at least one article about the topic over the past month, 10% have gathered some basic info through webinars. Agencies responsible of data analysis are believed to be the most prepared bodies by 52% of the interviewees, along with associations (24%), media (18%) and single brands (6%).

At the same time, 72% of the staff of PR and marketing agencies believe their account managers are not fully aware of the Blockchain potential, 35% that such potential should be further explored and 52%, with a little foresight, claim it is still not time to take action. 13% of employees is not informed and still on the fence about the issue.

However, behind such data there is a lack of information. Indeed, 48% of the interviewees claims the technical language used to talk about the Blockchain is confusing and makes it difficult to transfer its potential to the market, 28% claims that just a few journalists have properly understood what we are talking about and the remaining 34% is not willing to start training programmes because they are afraid it will never be understood.

Therefore, it is no surprise that very few marketers  are aware of the existence of ICO (Initial Coin Offering ) of crypto currency: 70% knows nothing or very little about it and 63% believe such topics are not related to traditional marketing and should be dealt with by finance experts or investors (88% of Marketers Believe Blockchain Technology Can Disrupt Marketing ).

In short, the survey showed at the same time a growing interest in the Blockchain technology and a lack of satisfactory information which could support marketers to understand the system, its mechanisms and its potential.

What do you know about the Blockchain and which tool do you reckon to be the most suitable to make it understandable? Tweet @agostinellialdo.

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Aldo Agostinelli